21 October, 2010

The Weigh-In

A few days ago, I grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on. It took me about two seconds to realize they were falling off my waist. I wondered to myself why they didn't fit properly and then it hit me. Of course! My Swedish candy diet! That meant it was time to jump on the scale for my European vacation weigh-in. How much weight did I lose this time?

I checked the scale before I left for vacation and I weighed ...

You didn't seriously think I was going to tell you what I weighed, do you?

Ha ha!

Let me just say I weigh less than I did two weeks ago.

I lost five pounds on this trip (or about 2.5 kilos). I think I should market this diet to Americans going to Sweden.

In all seriousness, I know why I always lose weight. I'm walking more. Exercise. That's the only difference. I always eat a hefty amount of sugary sweetneess during my trips, as you all have witnessed, but the exercise changes everything.

I think I'll park my car more often and go for more walks.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, thanks but I'll pass on revealing my weight. And I hear you about not looking your age - I'm short, so I totally understand that. I'm asked for ID everywhere I go. Then again, looking younger is becoming easier to appreciate with every passing year. ;)
