The Expressen building.
We went back to the guard and she remotely unlocked a second door for us. One that opened like a normal door. Thankfully.
A man named Christian greeted us. He worked for Expressen and first thought we were the backing vocalists. Ha HA! Well, Jessi could surely pull it off...
We were told Jenny and company were running a little late, so we sat down to wait. Simon was already there, and he said a quick hello. Jenny came in just a few minutes and waved a fast hello. Terese and her friend Elin introduced themselves and sat down for a minute or two to chat with us.
Things were hectic and frantic at this point. Everyone had to go into the room to rehearse, so we waited on the couches.
It was exactly one o'clock and Christian was running around like crazy back and forth between different places. We were waiting for someone to tell us it was ok to go inside, but that ok never came to us. We likely should have asked but we waited there instead thinking someone would allow us in.
The Expressen staff loved their coffee machine. I think the entire staff stopped by at least once during the hour we were there. ;)
A sideways pic of some office cubicles.
We heard the performance of the two songs from the outside. We then saw Simon and Terese and Elin leave the room. They said a quick goodbye to us and left.
Behind that grey door is the very small Expressen XL Room. Jenny said the room was quite small. The one side of the room they were facing had cameras embedded in the wall.
Jenny came out a bit later and asked us if we were able to get in. When we said no, she looked a little confused. She then apologized and said she thought we were able to see something. She told us she was rushing because she had another interview and she was supposed to be there now!
She started down the hallway of Expressen's newsroom. We were still sitting when she said to us that we could come with her. We jumped up and joined her. We rushed down the halls and I took one last look at the enormous newsroom with all the journalists sitting at their computers looking at their papers in the bright light of the office.
Christian thanked Jenny and we jumped into the elevator. We were all carrying large bags and there were four of us. We barely fit in this tiny elevator but we made it. We asked Jenny how it went and she mentioned that she messed up some of the lyrics.
We jumped off the elevator and back through the revolving doors that didn't work for us the first time. This time, they worked perfectly.
Outside, a taxi cab was waiting. I asked Jessi, does she mean we're going to go with her??
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