I'm in prison.
I'm in Sweden and in prison. I spent the last three nights in the slammer for the first time in my life.
I know you always said if I ever ended up in jail, you wouldn't bail me out, but it's ok. You don't have to. It's fun.
Jessi and Anja are in jail with me, so I have good company. And we've been able to break out of the prison for the past three mornings. It's not so hard. The front door opens automatically for you.
Alright, we're really staying in a hostel. The hostel sits on an island called Långholmen and the island held the central prison until in 1975. In fact, it was the largest prison in the country. The prison was closed in the early eighties and was renovated just a few years ago. The innovative Swedes turned it into a hotel and hostel.
The last public execution was held here in 1910 before Sweden outlawed executions. That man was executed by decapitation and our mirror is a reminder of that. It's a long mirror in the shape of a guillotine, complete with a blade at the top and hole at the bottom. Scary.
Take a look at our accomodations:
Onto the incarceration photos...
Jessi hamming it up with her one phone call home. She's a very good actress, either that or she's done this before. Hmmm ;o)
Anja making puppy-dog eyes as she calls home for bail money.
Me making a very long distance call home. No one is answering. They're all asleep.
Don't forget your prison stripes, prisoner #7208500
To the cells with you!
This way to your room.
Home sweet home.
Bed number one of three. The bottom of the bed is decorated with old police newsletters, newspaper articles and mug shots.
Yes, there are three people staying in this one prison cell. The third bed is rolled up under the bottom bunk. It pulls out at night so we actually have space to move around the cell during the day.
The cell is equipped with the three beds, a few mirrors, a few seats, a little cubby for hanging up jackets, a plasma tv, a window, a telephone, and a bathroom. I'm pretty sure the prisoners didn't have the plasma tv, the phone, or the guillotine shaped mirror.
The hostel was rated the best in Sweden last year. It is a pretty comfy place with a unique concept.
And it makes for a good blog post too.
Well. It's a bad thing that you just scared the life out of me, child! Do you need the number to the cab company from the airport?? ;) It's a good thing that you don't need bail because you'd have to wait until it was at least 75 degrees before I'd come to get you! But... y'all are staying in a seriously amazing place! Chris will want to know if you heard anything otherwordly while staying there! Give Anja and Jessi our best and let them know that they are welcome here in Texas anytime they wish to visit... we'd love to meet them! Try to behave!! :) Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteAh, so you would bail me out! ;) I would be here until Summer if you are waiting for 75 degrees. I wouldn't mind that.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to talk so much about this, even Chris will be tired of hearing about it. ;)
Jessi and Anja say hello and thank you for the kind words and invitation. :)
Would you bail me out of jail to mommy? ;) Kenzie said she would like to travel with you to Sweden next time Sara, or was that Ashley? I don't know, old age is setting in. lol
The question is, who would Mom bail out of jail first? Probably Chris. ;oP
ReplyDeleteIn a few years, Kenzie or Ashley may very well want to get some traveling in. Why not Sweden? Sounds like a plan. :oD
Heh, strangely enough, I was googling for Gothenburg prison when I landed on this page. It was in relation to Julian assange's mother calling the prison the worst in europe.
ReplyDeleteWhat lol.
Yes, I noticed the stats on this particular post skyrocketed in November 2011, with "gothenburg prison" being the top keyword search to find it. I realized shortly that it was connected to the Wikileaks investigation. You never know who might stumble upon your page. ;)