Jessi got an espresso. Anja got fizzy water and I got some tap water.
During the second interview, a woman from the office came in and placed a plate beside Jenny. The plate had a sandwich and fruit on it. Once the interview was over, the sandwich and fruit were still sitting there.
Somehow, the plate migrated to our table.
Jenny asked if we were hungry and we said we were slightly hungry, so she grabbed the sandwich and started slicing up pieces for everyone. She grabbed some plates and there we were, having a little snack and chat with Jenny.
It seems everytime Jenny and Jessi meet, Jessi ends up getting an offer of food. Today, Jessi mentioned a memory from the last time they met. Jessi mentioned that the last time this happened, it reminded Jessi of the song "Let Us Break Bread Together."
We chatted about general things, about the website, the album. Anything that came to mind. Jenny did most of the chatting. And we were totally ok with that. At one point she mentioned this fact and asked us about ourselves and our lives. So we chatted a bit about that too.
Jenny asked if we wanted anything for the website or the blog. Yes, please! I asked her to make another little clip for the blog. I mentioned the light problem last time and Jenny grabbed the lamp hanging over the table and directed it towards herself. She made such a face and such funny comments, I couldn't stop laughing. I had a hard time composing myself again actually film the clip.
So, here is the clip: Jenny saying hello and talking about her day today:
We were finished eating and there was another interview coming up that Jenny had to attend to. This one was a live interview with a radio station via phone.
A live interview on the phone.
But, before that happened, she taught us an icebreaker game. We didn't have time to play it together, but Jessi and Anja gave it a little go afterwards.
The game goes something like this: One person puts a toothpick in between their teeth. They come up with a noun and tell the person to their left. They tell a verb to the person on the right. The person with the toothpick in between their teeth then says the phrase to a fourth person. The fourth person then has to guess what the first person actually said.
When Jessi and Anja actually tried it out, I was laughing so hard I could barely take pictures. Then, Jessi has the bright idea to take two pieces of gum and make teeth.
Here is visual proof of their antics:
So, the office was about to close and Jenny had to go to rehearsals. We went back out of the office and onto the street. Jessi mentioned the fact that we hadn't been able to get ahold of the album yet and Jenny proceeded to open her suitcase. She pulled out three CDs and handed one to each of us. So very very cool.
We thanked her and she again apologized that we weren't able to into the Expressen XL event. We said our goodbyes until the next time.
Whew! And that was today...
Now we're back at the hostel with our albums! Been listening to it since we got back and it's marvelous! We're trying to decide which songs we like best. Difficult!
The three of us with our album and single!
Hope you enjoyed the reports from today. :)
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