10 October, 2010

What does Sweden smell like?

It may be a strange question, but it's something I've asked myself over the years. But, it's true. Sweden has a certain smell. And I suspect that smell is slightly different for different people.

Sometimes, when I'm in the US, I'll smell something in the air and I will be back in Sweden for just a heartbeat. It's an odd sensation, but surely you've had a similar experience as well. Smell is such a strong sense and an easy way to reawaken a memory.

So, what does Sweden smell like for me? It depends. Sometimes, it's candles. Other times, it's crisp morning air. It can be car exhaust. Or cigarette smoke. Even candy. Sometimes fresh baked bread and fresh fruit. Coffee is always guaranteed to awaken a sense of Sweden in me. The smell of the sea is also a strong reminder. This time around, Sweden smells like newly fallen leaves.

I can always count on bringing Sweden back with me to the States, at least for a few days. I never unpack the first few days after getting back home. When I get around to it a couple days later, I open the suitcase and I am transported back to Sweden - if only for a moment.

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