16 October, 2010

Waiting, waiting

I am at the Central Station right now waiting on my bus. It won't arrive for awhile, but there's not much else going on right now. At least not anything I'd like to be a part of.

Jessi and Anja dropped me off in the city earlier today and we said our goodbyes until the next trip.

I did a small bit of shopping and walking around in the city. I spent some time thinking about the last two weeks. There was a lot to take in and it has been one fantastically wild ride. I have really enjoyed it and will make a longer post later that sums up the whole experience.

There are a lot of posts still to come, so maybe this blog will continue on for a little while longer than just the two weeks. Maybe a month or two?

I'm a little tired at the moment. I thought I would stay up the last two days straight, but the car ride back and forth from Allianskyrkan lulled me to sleep, so I got at least four hours on the drive. So, you could say I got a little sleep.

My bags are stuffed full and I am all packed up. I never found my scarf, which is too bad, but maybe someone out there in Gothenburg is making good use of it right now. I hope so. It was a beautiful scarf and warm too!

So, time is almost coming to a close. I hope you all have enjoyed the posts and updates. I've really enjoyed writing the blog and hope it has given you at least a little feeling of being in the middle of the action.


  1. Sara, you're blog is great. I'm really enjoyed reading your posts. It's almost like be there with you, lol. Don't close it too fast, please. :)

    I'm glad you had such a great fun in Sweden.

    Safe trip home!

  2. Thank you for the encouraging words Michał! Glad you've enjoyed it. :)
