Lesson #1: Speak your own language with God.
It's hard to admit that I never fully realized this until this year, but I didn't.
"Be honest. Say things as they are. Say what you long for."
How simple and how true. How did I never realize this before? Maybe it's because I always thought prayer was a very formal thing growing up. Or maybe I thought that prayer had to be formulated elegantly or it has to be done in a certain way to be defined as prayer. But what a burden. And what freedom to see otherwise. I'm speaking my own language these days and it's a beautiful thing.
Jenny talked about growing up with one foot in the everyday world and one in the church. You might say she lives with two cultures blended into one person. And I feel a bit like that when it comes to the US and Sweden. I've lived in both places and picked up habits from both for more than fifteen years. For the past few years, I've felt like I had to pick one or the other. I had to either be American Sara or Swedish Sara. No in-between. It was a choice that had to be made and I decided it was finally going to be made on this trip. I had to either pick Sweden and forget the US or throw away my love for Sweden and stay in the US for good. Either way, one had to go.
But you know what? Listening to Jenny talk about a similar dilemma she had made me realize I didn't have to choose one or the other. Not only did I not have to choose, I couldn't choose. I needed them both because I am both. I can't throw away a part of myself. That realization was another light-bulb moment. The two could peacefully co-exist within me for the first time ever. I'm rooted in both and I'm going to bloom right in the middle. Where that is and what that looks like, I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find out.
Lesson #3: If you have a desire to do something, go for it!
For the first time, I feel like I could pursue a certain goal I've always had. I've always wanted to write but never had the drive or the self-esteem, honestly. Working on this blog took me a long way towards thinking I could actually do something with my words. I've kept up with this blog almost everyday for two months. I was lacking that consistency and discipline in all my other writing projects, but this one worked! I enjoyed writing it and have heard many of you enjoyed reading it. Success!
During the lectures, Jenny talked about how she always wanted to sing, but she kept hitting roadblocks along the way. Instead of stopping, she kept at it because it's what she loves to do. She had a desire for it, so she went for it! And look! She's been singing professionally for more than twenty years!
Again, I'm not sure where it's headed, but I've carved out a spot in my house for writing. Just writing. I don't know what I will write but I will begin the journey. I'm willing to work on my writing and do everything possible to improve it because I know it could use it! And in time, I will be able to write about all those ideas that pop up in my head. And maybe, one day, my words can capture a thought or an idea that will move someone in the same way others have moved me.
I was thinking about this lesson all morning at work. We sat down for our weekly meeting at noon today and a co-worker sat down directly across from me with her usual cup of coffee. This is what I saw written on the sleeve:
I asked her if I could have the sleeve when she was finished and she happily obliged. The sleeve is now hanging up in my brand new writing space.
And finally, there was one lesson I knew, but just needed to be reminded of: God is with us through it all.
I've always had difficulty being around people. It's absolutely true. I love people and I love their stories, but I get entirely too nervous being around them. It's like living in a blender. So in Kungälv, when Jenny asked us to close our eyes and think about something that's been broken, that's what flashed through my mind. She started singing "Håll Mitt Hjärta" and the song mirrored all those times I've been afraid and needed a greater solace. Something gave way inside of me and my tears started. Before she sang "Bless this Broken Road", she talked about God being with her throughout her life. It was an instant reminder that God has been with me through everything too. Even through all my fears and all those uncertain paths. That's when the big tears really started falling. The good kind.
Those two songs and her words summed up that one thing I just needed to hear: God has been there through it all.
As I sat there in Kungälv listening to all those incredible musicians on stage, a spontaneous moment of thanks burst forth: "Thank you Lord for all the incredible role models you've placed in my life!"
From family, friends and co-workers to superstars on stage, I've had an abundance of amazing teachers in my life. I'm thankful for all of them and admire their willingness to share the lessons they've learned in life with people like me who could use a little guidance along the way.
There is a secret in listening.
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