And a translation follows:
Life according to Jenny
I have my feet on the ground
Fame - Jenny Berggren's biggest achievement is to be the mother of small children. In the book "Vinna Hela Världen", she writes about those crazy years with the internationally acclaimed group Ace of Base - and the price she paid.
1. What is true happiness?
Joy, that is to say the happiness that lasts when unhappiness is a fact.
2. What is your biggest fear?
To never be able to laugh again.
3. What side of yourself do you like the least?
That I dont realize everything I am. A lot of people want you to believe that you're worth very little, when in reality it's just the opposite.
4. What side of others do you like the least?
5. Which living person do you admire the most?
[Insight: Jenny told us she thought about the question for a long while before answering. Reading the interview, it seems like she came up with her answer in a second.]
6. How do you feel right now?
Full of expectation. Nothing else.
7. When do you lie?
In my head, a million times a day, at least.
8. What qualities do you appreciate most in men?
Strength and leadership. Wisdom to know that they have a need for qualities women possess.
9. What qualities do you appreciate most in women?
Love and the ability to understand the whole picture. The realization that they are best when it comes to just these qualities.
10. Which words or phrases do you use too often?
Thank you, sorry and like.
11. Who or what is the love of your life?
My family and the silver spoon given to me at my baptism.
12. What talent would you like to have?
To be restful and to be good at walking on a tightrope.
13. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be free of tics, maybe? I would like to be able to [???]
[Umm...Would anyone like to take a swing at translating that line? I clearly don't get it.]
14. What is your biggest achievement?
Giving birth. Being a Mom of small kids. Without question! I'm also proud that I was part of the whole circus with Ace of Base and still have both feet on the ground.
15. If you died and came back as a person or thing, what would you choose to come back as?
I would never want to come back. I believe that the day I die will be my best day.
16. Which of your posessions do you prize the most?
My wedding ring and... my car. With my job as a speaker, I need it as much as an on-call doctor. Without it, I can't work. I live in the wrong city...
17. What is the worst thing a person can experience?
To lose someone they love or believe in.
18. What is your favorite way to spend your time?
To let people know that God never leaves them and never stops loving them no matter what they do.
19. What is your most obvious feature?
My remarkably characteristic nose.
20. Who are the biggest heroes in your life?
Children. And Desmond Tutu.
21. How do you want to die?
Without leaving anyone alone.
22. What is your motto?
Smile big and walk fast.
Photo caption: Peas in a pod. Einstein is the historical person that Jenny Berggren identifies with the most: "...in the sense that he had low grades in math and became... quite the best. That means there's hope for me! Also because I look like him in the morning."
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