An added bonus of travel and vacations for me is that I get around to things I've been meaning to do but just haven't. I'm a bit of a procrastinator, so when the deadline looms, it's on! For example, I have a stack of newspapers that needs to be recycled. It's been building for some time. Now, I have a solid deadline to get them to the recycle bin. And I've been meaning to find a few other memory cards. They're around here somewhere and I'd like to find them. I hav

en't gotten around to it - until now. And I always schedule time for myself to do a deep clean of my place. I'm not talking the daily and weekly clean. I'm talking that deeper clean, which I try to stall as long as possible. It's always nice to have a clean place to come back to. (That, and people come over and stay while I'm gone.)
If you're a procrastinator, travel is your friend. It clears up your list of things you have to do but just haven't yet.
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